The Early Middle Ages

2. A tax charged by the church

18. Invaders of EEurope from Scandinavia

25. Languages that evolved from Latin

26. Men who lived in monasteries

it would help if you could just give me the answer

Please keep in mind that this is a HOMEWORK HELP website, not a HOMEWORK DO site! If you'll post what you think the answers to your questions are, we'll be happy to comment on your ideas.


Here are some answers. Take your pick. Be careful, though, some of these are answers to other questions.

Latino, indulgence, monks, Romance, barbarians, priests, tithe, Vikings, Scandihoovians, Crusaders

But if you know the answer you can just tell me to save me time just like a teacher would...


where were the last Beothuks spotted

2. A tax charged by the church: The tax charged by the church during the Early Middle Ages is referred to as "tithe." It was a mandatory payment, typically a percentage of their income or produce, that individuals had to make to the church. The purpose of the tithe was to financially support the clergy and the maintenance of the church.

18. Invaders of Eastern Europe from Scandinavia: The invaders from Scandinavia who attacked Eastern Europe during the Early Middle Ages were known as the Vikings. Vikings were seafaring people from the Nordic regions, such as Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. They were renowned for their exploration, trade, and also the raiding and plundering of various regions, including Eastern Europe.

25. Languages that evolved from Latin: Several languages evolved from Latin during the Early Middle Ages, known as the Romance languages. These languages include Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Romanian. As the Roman Empire disintegrated, Latin became modified and transformed into these distinct regional languages.

26. Men who lived in monasteries: The men who lived in monasteries during the Early Middle Ages were called monks. Monks were part of religious orders and chose to dedicate their lives to God and a monastic lifestyle. They lived in a community under the guidance of an abbot, following strictly regulated routines, engaging in prayer, study, and often manual labor. Monastic communities were centers of learning, scriptoriums (where books were copied), and played a significant role in preserving knowledge during this period.