Who should use abbreviations and why?

When are they acceptable?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Because these are medical abbreviations they are used in transcriptions, by doctors, nurses, pharmacists, technicians. Some that could cause confusion are avoided.

It depends on the intended audience. If abbreviations are commonly accepted by the audience, then they can be effectively used. If there is some uncertainty whether the audience will understand, the term should be given in full along with the abbreviation the first time it is mentioned. Here is an example:

To remember this, you have to transfer the information from your short term memory (STM) to your long term memory (LTM). STM lasts only a few seconds without rehearsal, while LTM can last a lifetime.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

abbreviations are so commonly used and in order to keep from errrors we need to eliminate them by useing full words first then abbreviations and eliminate all the more error prone ones

Abbreviations are commonly used in various contexts, including written communication, technical fields, and everyday conversations. Here are a few scenarios where using abbreviations may be beneficial:

1. Efficiency and brevity: Abbreviations help convey information quickly and concisely, saving time and effort. For instance, using "etc." instead of "et cetera" or "ASAP" instead of "as soon as possible."

2. Industry-specific jargon: Abbreviations are often employed in technical or specialized fields to simplify communication among professionals who are familiar with the specific terminology. For example, in the medical field, "MRI" (magnetic resonance imaging) or "DNA" (deoxyribonucleic acid) are widely recognized abbreviations.

3. Informal and casual conversation: Abbreviations are commonly used in informal settings, such as texting or social media, where brevity and speed are prioritized. This could include terms like "LOL" (laugh out loud) or "BTW" (by the way).

While the use of abbreviations can enhance communication in many situations, it is important to consider when they are acceptable:

1. Familiarity of the audience: If you are communicating with an audience that is unfamiliar with the abbreviation, it is advisable to avoid using it or provide the full term along with the abbreviation.

2. Formal writing: In formal writing, such as academic papers or professional documents, it is best to use the complete words or phrases instead of abbreviations. However, some widely recognized abbreviations (like "U.S." or "Mr.") may be acceptable in formal writing.

3. Clarity and precision: It is crucial to ensure that abbreviations do not cause confusion or ambiguity. If the context is unclear, it is recommended to spell out the entire term to ensure proper understanding.

Ultimately, the use of abbreviations should be based on the audience, context, and purpose of communication, considering both efficiency and clarity.