what was the substance used to stuff the nostrils of the mummy's in egypt

Actually, I think that is in error. Commonly, linen saturated with resin (or beeswax) was used as a plug.

Ok, I have this project I have to do onn Elizabeth Blackwell and I have to make a Replica of her and I don't know what they worre from the 1800s to the 1900s what do I do?!?!?!?!

The substance used to stuff the nostrils of the mummies in ancient Egypt was natron. Natron is a naturally occurring mineral mixture consisting mainly of sodium carbonate decahydrate and sodium bicarbonate. It was obtained from the drying out of saline lake beds and was used for various purposes in the mummification process, including drying out the body and preserving its organs.

The substance used to stuff the nostrils of the mummies in ancient Egypt was known as natron. Natron is a naturally occurring mixture of sodium carbonate decahydrate (Na2CO3·10H2O) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and was found in abundance in the natron lakes of Egypt.

To arrive at this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the context of ancient Egyptian mummification practices.
2. Research the materials and methods used in the mummification process.
3. Look for information on the substances used to preserve the body, paying special attention to the preparation of the body's cavities.
4. You will likely come across the mention of natron as the primary substance used to dry out the body and prevent decomposition.
5. Confirm the use of natron specifically in the nostrils of the mummies as a means to desiccate and preserve the soft tissues.
6. Cross-reference this information with multiple reliable sources to ensure accuracy and verifiability.
7. Summarize the findings concisely.

Therefore, the substance used to stuff the nostrils of the mummies in ancient Egypt was natron.