Extraversion is measured along a continuum between extrovert and introvert:

Now is extraversion more towards an extrovert or does it definitely fall in between both extrovert and introvert? That sentence is confusing me a bit.

Let me explain with a similar sentence:

Gas mileage is measured along a continum between .5miles/hr (Gas Hog) and 42 miles per hour (Green Car)

I hope this answers your question.

The word "extraversion" is a variant spelling of "extroversion." So -- extraversion is near extrovert on the continuum.

Thank you very much!

You're welcome.

Extraversion is indeed measured along a continuum between extrovert and introvert, which means it falls somewhere between these two extremes. However, it is important to note that extraversion is generally more associated with being outgoing, social, and energized by social interactions, while introversion is generally more associated with being reserved, reflective, and energized by solitary activities.

The sentence you mentioned may be confusing because it suggests that extraversion is closer to one end of the spectrum than the other. However, extraversion is actually a blend of both extrovert and introvert qualities, not exclusively leaning toward one end. In other words, individuals can exhibit varying degrees of extraversion, with some leaning more towards extroversion and others leaning more towards introversion.