Expressions with Multiplication & Division.

Evaluate each each expression for x = 3

7x ?
18/x ?

7x means to multiply: 7 times 3 = ?

18/x means to divide: 18 divided by 3 = ?

To evaluate the expressions for x = 3, we substitute x with 3 in each expression and perform the multiplication and division.

1. 7x:
Substitute x with 3:

Perform the multiplication:
7 * 3 = 21

Therefore, 7x evaluates to 21 when x = 3.

2. 18/x:
Substitute x with 3:

Perform the division:
18 / 3 = 6

Therefore, 18/x evaluates to 6 when x = 3.

To evaluate each expression for x = 3, we simply substitute x with 3 in the given expressions and perform the necessary operations.

Expression 1: 7x
To evaluate 7x for x = 3, we substitute x with 3:
7 * 3 = 21

Therefore, for x = 3, the value of 7x is 21.

Expression 2: 18/x
To evaluate 18/x for x = 3, we substitute x with 3:
18/3 = 6

Therefore, for x = 3, the value of 18/x is 6.