a clear type of quartz: rock -------

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Rock Crystal

A clear type of quartz is commonly known as rock crystal. To further explain how to identify rock crystal, here are the steps:

1. Look for transparency: Rock crystal is transparent, meaning light can pass through it easily. It appears clear and colorless, often resembling a crystal-clear glass.

2. Check for hardness: Quartz is a mineral that ranks 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, just below diamond. You can test the hardness of a sample by trying to scratch it with various materials. If the sample can scratch glass and other minerals, it is likely quartz.

3. Observe its crystal structure: Quartz typically exhibits a hexagonal crystal habit, meaning its crystals have six-sided prismatic shapes with pointed ends. However, keep in mind that in nature, quartz crystals can have various sizes and shapes, so it might not always appear as a perfectly formed prism.

4. Consider its luster: Rock crystal has a vitreous or glassy luster, meaning it reflects light well and appears shiny.

By following these steps, you can accurately identify a clear type of quartz, specifically rock crystal.