whats limestone used for?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock primarily composed of calcium carbonate. It has a wide range of practical uses due to its abundance and versatility. Here are some common applications of limestone:

1. Construction Materials: Limestone serves as a vital ingredient in the production of cement, concrete, and mortar. It is crushed and mixed with other materials to form a strong and durable base for buildings, roads, bridges, and various infrastructure projects.

2. Agriculture: Limestone is often used as a soil conditioner in agriculture to balance soil pH levels. It can neutralize acidic soils, providing essential nutrients to plants and improving crop yields.

3. Calcium Supplement: Limestone is an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth in humans and animals. It can be used as a dietary supplement for both humans and livestock.

4. Manufacturing: Limestone is utilized in various manufacturing processes. It is used as a fluxing agent in the production of glass and ceramics, providing stability and improved melting properties. Additionally, it is used in the production of steel, sugar, paper, plastics, and rubber.

5. Decorative Purposes: Limestone's aesthetic appeal and natural beauty make it a popular choice for construction and decoration. It is commonly used as a facade material for buildings, as flooring or tiling, and in landscaping to create pathways, patios, and garden borders.

To find more specific uses or information regarding limestone, you can consult geological surveys, construction material databases, agriculture or horticulture resources, and academic journals.