What are the physical traits of Lena, Walter, Beneatha, Ruth, George, and Joseph in A Raisin in the Sun byLorraine Hansberry?

Here's how Writeacher answered this question this morning.


In Lorraine Hansberry's play "A Raisin in the Sun," the physical traits of the characters are not explicitly described. However, their physical attributes can be inferred through reference to their age, race, and brief descriptions of their appearances. Here are the inferred physical traits of some of the main characters:

1. Lena Younger (Mama): Mama is described as an African American woman in her 60s or 70s, who carries herself with dignity and strength. She is a stout, sturdy woman with a warm smile and kind eyes.

2. Walter Lee Younger: Walter Lee is the protagonist of the play, an African American man in his mid-30s. He is described as being lean and worn-out from life's struggles, with a sense of weariness about him.

3. Beneatha Younger: Beneatha is Mama's daughter, a young African American woman in her early 20s. She is described as being attractive, with a slender build and a vibrant, questioning personality.

4. Ruth Younger: Ruth is Walter Lee's wife and also in her early 30s. She is described as being worn and tired by the hardships of life. She is also pregnant during the course of the play.

5. George Murchison: George is Beneatha's wealthy and educated suitor. While his physical appearance is not explicitly described, he is from a wealthier background, suggesting a certain level of refinement and grooming.

6. Joseph Asagai: Joseph is a Nigerian student and a friend of Beneatha's. His physical appearance is not heavily described, but he represents a distinctly African presence.

It's worth mentioning that the play is more focused on the characters' inner conflicts and their dreams rather than their physical attributes.

To find the physical traits of the characters Lena (Mama), Walter, Beneatha, Ruth, George, and Joseph in the play "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry, you need to analyze the text for descriptions provided by the author. Look for direct descriptions, character interactions, and any other details that may hint at their physical appearance.

Start by reading the play script carefully. Pay close attention to scenes where the characters are introduced or where their physical descriptions are mentioned. Look for specific adjectives, clothing references, or even dialogue that may suggest certain attributes. Make note of any descriptions or mentions of their hair color, height, facial features, body type, and any other physical characteristics.

As an AI, I don't have access to specific editions or versions of the play, but here are a few physical traits that might help you get started:

1. Lena (Mama): Depending on the edition, Mama is typically described as an African-American woman in her 60s or 70s. She is often depicted as having a strong presence and radiating strength and resilience.

2. Walter Younger: Walter is Mama's son, described as a middle-aged African-American man. He is often portrayed as tall, with a lanky or wiry build. His appearance may be influenced by his determination and dreams.

3. Beneatha Younger: Beneatha is Walter's younger sister who is often characterized as a young African-American woman in her 20s. She is usually depicted as slim, attractive, and fashionable. Her hair might be styled differently throughout the play, reflecting her evolving identity.

4. Ruth Younger: Ruth is Walter's wife and is typically described as an African-American woman. She is often portrayed as being in her 30s, with a tired or worn appearance due to the challenges she faces. She may also be shown as having a slightly heavier build.

5. George Murchison: George is a wealthy African-American college student dating Beneatha. While not explicitly described physically, he is often seen as well-dressed and sophisticated. His appearance may reflect his upper-class background.

6. Joseph Asagai: Joseph, a Nigerian student, is often depicted as tall and lean with an African or African-American appearance. His physical qualities may highlight his cultural background and contrast with the other characters.

Remember, these descriptions might vary depending on the particular edition or production of the play. Always refer to the source material itself for the most accurate information.