"Why can't I go with you?" asked Jake.


"Why can't I go with you?" Jake asked.

Either one is fine. The order of the last two words makes no difference.

Other teachers may have other opinions.


I agree totally with Writeacher... either will do nicely.

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they have slightly different structures.

The first sentence, "Why can't I go with you?" asked Jake, uses what is known as a reporting clause. The reporting clause introduces the speaker and is followed by a comma before the quotation marks. This is a common structure, especially in writing.

The second sentence, "Why can't I go with you?" Jake asked, uses an inverted structure where the verb comes before the subject. In this case, "Jake asked" serves as an introductory phrase, which is followed by a comma before the quotation marks. This structure is often seen in informal writing or in dialogues.

In terms of correctness, both sentences are acceptable, but the choice between them depends on the writing style and context. If you prefer a more formal tone, the first sentence might be more appropriate. If you are writing in a casual or conversational style, the second sentence could work better.