how is frankenstein a good example of a gothic novel?

The setting and mood

are examples of how it is a gothic novel.

See definition #5.

Gothic novels emphasize on horror, mystery, and the supernatural.

Horror: he creates a monster.
Mystery: shown threw out the novel.
A supernatual event would be that Electricity could bring something to life.

To determine how Frankenstein is a good example of a gothic novel, let's first understand the characteristics of the gothic genre. Gothic novels generally involve gloomy settings, supernatural elements, death, madness, and often explore psychological turmoil or the darker aspects of human nature. Here's how Frankenstein meets these criteria:

1. Gloomy setting: Frankenstein takes place in bleak and isolated locations, such as the desolate Arctic and the eerie laboratory where the monster is created. These settings contribute to an overall sense of unease and mystery.

2. Supernatural elements: The novel incorporates elements of the supernatural through the creation of the monster using scientific experimentation, pushing the boundaries of natural life. The monster possesses extraordinary strength, resiliency, and learns to communicate and reason.

3. Death: Death plays a significant role in the novel. Victor Frankenstein's obsession with creating life leads him to disrupt the natural order, resulting in the deaths of loved ones and innocent individuals. Themes of mortality and the pursuit of immortality are prevalent.

4. Madness: The narrative explores the mental and emotional deterioration of characters, particularly Victor Frankenstein. He becomes obsessed with his experiment, descends into madness, and is haunted by guilt and remorse.

5. Dark aspects of human nature: The novel delves into the darker facets of human nature, particularly the consequences of playing godlike roles. It reflects on the dangers of unchecked ambition, obsession, and the implications of abandoning moral responsibility.

To find supporting evidence for these points, you can read the novel itself and analyze specific scenes, dialogues, and character development. Pay attention to descriptions of the settings, the language used to portray emotions and psychological states, and the moral dilemmas encountered by the characters. This analysis will give you a deeper understanding of why Frankenstein is considered a classic gothic novel.