Can someone provide me with the financial statement of a service of ford company and the merchandising company with it from ford. The links where i can see the information I would greatly appreciated

Sure! To find the financial statements of Ford Company, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Ford's official website. The URL is

Step 2: Look for the "Investors" tab, usually located at the top or bottom of the page. Click on it.

Step 3: On the Investors page, you will find links to financial statements or reports. Look for options like "Financials," "Annual Reports," or "SEC Filings." Click on the appropriate link.

Step 4: From the available options, locate the financial statement or report that corresponds to the service division of Ford Company. This information is usually specified in the titles of the reports. Click on the relevant link.

Step 5: The financial statement will open in a new tab or window, allowing you to view or download it.

As for the merchandising company related to Ford, please provide more specific information about the company or division you are referring to, so I can assist you further.

Sure! To find the financial statements of Ford Company and its merchandising division, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the official website of Ford Motor Company:

2. Look for the "Investor Relations" or "Financials" section on the website. This is usually located in the footer or top menu of the webpage.

3. Once you are in the Investor Relations or Financials section, search for the most recent annual report, which contains the financial statements. Annual reports are typically in PDF format and provide comprehensive financial information about the company.

4. In the annual report, look for "Consolidated Financial Statements" or a similar heading. This section will include the financial statements of Ford Company.

5. To find the financial statements of the merchandising company within Ford, check if the annual report includes a separate section or segment dedicated to the merchandising division. It might be listed as a subsidiary or a separate business unit.

6. Within that section, you should find the financial statements specific to the merchandising division, such as the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

7. If you are unable to find the specific information you are looking for in the annual report, try checking the Investor Relations section for quarterly reports, presentations, or any other relevant documents.

Please note that Ford Motor Company is a publicly traded company, and its financial statements may be subject to regulations and release schedules. Therefore, it's important to check the official sources as mentioned above to ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information.