1. TV gives us a lot of pleasure.

2. TV gives a lot of pleasure to us.

Sentence 1 is a Sentence Pattern Four sentence. This sentence can be changed into a Sentence Pattern Three sentence as in Sentence 2. Change the direct object and the indirect object, and put the preposition 'to' before us. Then you can have a Sentence Pattern Three sentence.
Is my grammar explanation correct? Would you correct the errors, please?

I don't know what patterns you're referring to, but I think pattern four must include a direct object and an indirect object, right? And pattern three doesn't include an indirect object, but just a direct object?

If so, then your explanation is correct.

Father said to swami, "get up".

Your grammar explanation is correct. Here's a revised version of your explanation:

Both sentence 1 and sentence 2 convey the same meaning, but differ in their structure. Sentence 1 follows Sentence Pattern Four, while Sentence 2 follows Sentence Pattern Three.

In Sentence Pattern Four, the indirect object is placed before the direct object. In this case, "us" is the indirect object, and "a lot of pleasure" is the direct object. So, in Sentence 1, "us" comes before "a lot of pleasure".

On the other hand, in Sentence Pattern Three, the direct object is placed before the indirect object, and the preposition "to" is used before the indirect object. This is the case in Sentence 2, where "a lot of pleasure" is the direct object and "us" is the indirect object.

By rearranging the order of the objects and adding the preposition "to", you can transform a Sentence Pattern Four sentence into a Sentence Pattern Three sentence.