need help with a speech about the strong will of charles perkins

A Google search turned up this page of sites about Charles Perkins.

After you've researched and found information about his strong will, please post what you've found. We'll be glad to help you then with your speech.

Thanks, Writeacher for covering my omission. :-)

You're welcome.


Of course! Charles Perkins is a historical figure known for his strong will and determination in fighting for indigenous rights in Australia. If you need help with your speech on his strong will, I can assist you by providing some information and guiding you on how to structure your speech effectively. Here's an outline to get started:

1. Introduction:
- Begin with an attention-grabbing opening statement or anecdote about Charles Perkins.
- Provide a brief overview of who Charles Perkins was and his significance in indigenous rights activism.

2. Background and Challenges:
- Explain the challenges faced by Charles Perkins and indigenous Australians during his time.
- Discuss the prevailing discrimination, social inequalities, and lack of opportunities for the indigenous population.

3. Perseverance and Resilience:
- Highlight instances where Charles Perkins demonstrated his strong will and determination despite facing adversities.
- Talk about his involvement in civil rights movements, advocacy work, and protests.
- Discuss how he used his voice to raise awareness and bring about change, both nationally and internationally.

4. Achievements and Impact:
- Outline Charles Perkins' notable achievements in indigenous rights activism.
- Discuss his role in establishing organizations such as the Student Action for Aborigines and the Aboriginal Legal Service.
- Mention any policies or reforms he influenced or contributed to.

5. Inspiring Leadership:
- Describe the qualities that made Charles Perkins an inspiring leader.
- Focus on his charisma, ability to mobilize and unite people, and his perseverance in the face of challenges.

6. Legacy:
- Discuss the lasting impact of Charles Perkins' work and how it continues to influence indigenous rights activism today.
- Highlight any honors, awards, or recognition he received for his contributions.

7. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points discussed in your speech.
- End with a thought-provoking statement or call to action, encouraging your audience to remember and learn from Charles Perkins' example.

To gather more information for your speech, consider the following sources:

1. Books:
- "A Like Me" by Charles Perkins
- "Charles Perkins: A Biography" by Peter Read

2. Online Resources:
- Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
- National Museum of Australia
- National Library of Australia

Remember, using a combination of personal anecdotes, quotes, and historical facts will make your speech engaging and informative. Good luck with your speech on the strong will of Charles Perkins!