Would someone please check these two questins and my answers?

1.An example of ___________can be found
in the gradual immersion of early
Irish immigrants and their descendants
across decades as they become part of
and contributed to the middle class
American mainstream.

A. cultural adaptation
B. acculturation
C. assimilation
D. cultural pluralism

2.A child who recently arrived in
America from Bosnia has begun
requesting more pizza and Coke
suppers than she did six months
ago. She is now pressuring her
parents to allow her to go to
the American movies. This activity
signals the process of:

A. absorption
B. emergence
C. adoption
D. acculturation

Here are my answers. Please let me know
if either one is wrong.

1. (C) assimilation
2. (D) accultration

Correct on both.


To check the correctness of your answers, let's go through each question and examine the options.

1. An example of ___________ can be found in the gradual immersion of early Irish immigrants and their descendants across decades as they become part of and contribute to the middle-class American mainstream.

A. cultural adaptation
B. acculturation
C. assimilation
D. cultural pluralism

To determine the correct answer, let's look at the definition of each option:

- Cultural adaptation refers to making adjustments to adapt to a new culture.
- Acculturation refers to the process of acquiring another culture during interactions with a different culture.
- Assimilation refers to the complete integration of individuals or groups into a larger culture, losing their distinct cultural identity.
- Cultural pluralism refers to the coexistence and acceptance of multiple cultures within a society without any particular group being forced to assimilate.

Considering the context of the sentence, where Irish immigrants and their descendants become part of the American mainstream, the correct answer is C. assimilation, as it implies the complete integration into the middle-class American culture.

Therefore, your answer for question 1, (C) assimilation, is correct.

2. A child who recently arrived in America from Bosnia has begun requesting more pizza and Coke suppers than she did six months ago. She is now pressuring her parents to allow her to go to the American movies. This activity signals the process of:

A. absorption
B. emergence
C. adoption
D. acculturation

Let's examine the options to find the correct answer:

- Absorption refers to fully integrating into a new culture, losing one's original identity.
- Emergence refers to the appearance or manifestation of something.
- Adoption refers to the process of accepting and taking on something new.
- Acculturation refers to the process of acquiring another culture during interactions with a different culture.

Considering the given context, where the child is requesting more American food and activities, it implies that the child is adapting and accepting elements of American culture. Thus, the correct answer is D. acculturation.

Therefore, your answer for question 2, (D) acculturation, is also correct.

Congratulations! Your answers for both questions are correct.