how do you find percents and degrees when there are 50 people and not 100

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divide by .50

ok there are 50 people total and only 16 so how do you find the percent and degrees?

Divide 16 by 50 to get a decimal. Then move the decimal point two places to the right.

16/50 = 0.32 = 32%

I don't understand the part about degrees. But the basic principle still works.

To find percents and degrees when there are 50 people instead of 100, you need to understand that percent and degree values are relative to the total count or whole.

To determine the percent, you can use the formula:
Percent = (Part count / Whole count) x 100

In this case, if there are 50 people, the whole count is 50.

To calculate the percent, you will need the part count or the number of individuals you are interested in. Let's assume you want to find the percent for a group of 30 people.

Percent = (30 / 50) x 100 = 60%

So, 30 out of 50 people represents 60% of the total.

Now, let's talk about finding degrees. Degrees are commonly used to measure angles in a circle, so we'll assume you are referring to an angle measurement rather than people.

If you want to calculate the degrees in a circle that corresponds to a certain percent, you need to know that a full circle is 360 degrees. The formula to calculate the number of degrees can be written as:

Degrees = (Percent / 100) x 360

Using the previous example, where the percent is 60:

Degrees = (60 / 100) x 360 = 216 degrees

Therefore, if 60% of the whole circle is represented by 30 out of 50 people, it would correspond to an angle of 216 degrees.