If your last electric bill for sept. was $105. If the average price is 6.5 cents per kw, how many kw did your household use in September?

1kw/.065 = x/$105
x=1615.38 kw

is this correct?

How many Joules is that?
I know that 1W =1Joule/second

so 1615.38kw /1000 =1.61538 W
then I get 1.61538W
but how would i get this into joules?

the question is really flawed if you typed it correctly. One pays for energy, not power. The price on an electric bill is for kw-hrs (energy), not per kilowatt.

I don't know what to make of the question at all, especially the second part. Kwatts are not equivalent to joules unless you have time enter into the equation.

You either copied something wrong, omitted an "h" when typing, or your teacher needs a science refresher course. ENERGY is measured in kilowatt-hours (kwh) not kilowatts (kw). POWER is measured in kilowatts. What you pay for is energy, per kwh. Energy is power times time.

Total bill = (no. of kwh) x (cost per kwh, in dollars)
105.00 = N x 0.065

Your answer is numerically correct, but the units are wrong.

To convert kwh to Joules, multiply the number of kwh by this factor:

(3600 Joules/watt-hour)x(1000 watt/kw)

The 3600 comes from the number of seconds in one hour. 1 Joule = 1 Watt-sec

To convert kilowatts (kW) to watts (W), you need to multiply the value in kilowatts by 1000. In this case, the value is 1.61538 kW.

1.61538 kW * 1000 = 1615.38 W

Now, to convert from watts to joules, you need to consider the time. Since 1 watt is equal to 1 joule per second, you need to multiply the value in watts by the number of seconds.

Let's assume September has 30 days, which is approximately 2592000 seconds.

1615.38 W * 2592000 seconds = 4,183,910.4 joules

So, your household used approximately 4,183,910.4 joules of electricity in September.