1. What motivated Bismarck to enact reforms in Germany? 2. What kind of reforms were inacted in Germany and Britian?

My answers: 1. Bismarck wanted Germany to be more united and when nationalism spread through Germany it helped Germany become a leading industrial power.
2. I know that workers started to form unions but they were also offered better work conditions by Robert Owen.
I need to know if these answers are correct but I also need a little more information because I have to answer these two questions in a 2 to 3 paragraph essay.

Here are a few sites that may give you more information:

Bismarck and the Unification of Germany By an overwhelming majority the proposed army reforms were rejected and a class struggle ensued. On the verge of abdication William turned to Bismarck for ...

Otto von Bismarck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck, Duke of Lauenburg, ..... He enacted a variety of paternalistic social reforms, which can be considered the first ...

BBC - History ...Austria refused and neither its or Bismarck's reforms happened. Bismarck had successfully ruined Austria's plans and was seen, ironically, as a defender of ...

Germany Needs a Vision For Eurasian Development. by Helga Zepp ...Because of Bismarck's industrial and social reforms, Germany achieved an outstanding living standard. It could afford an excellent health system, ...

Robert Owen :: Leadership of the trade union movement ...Robert Owen, Leadership of the trade union movement: In his Report to the County of Lanark (a body of landowners) in 1820, Owen declared that reform was not ...

Robert Owen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIt is alleged by the British Spiritualists' National Union that the Seven Principles of spiritualism were dictated by Robert Owen to the medium Emma ...

I think you should add that Bismarck was a loyal Prussian and as such made Prussia a strong part of the unified Germany.


I'm not sure which time period you want for # 2. These sites have information about reforms in the 19th century.



You can find more information in these ways:

1. Go to http://www.google.com and enter various search terms. To get the results above, I entered bismarck reforms and "robert owen" unions (including the quotation marks. Try different search terms for more results.

2. Search also in Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/schhp?tab=ws&hl=en


I can see your doing the essay questions from Modern World Studies. If you look at this trust me Mr. Demegall will find out.

Your answer to the first question is partially correct. Bismarck was motivated to enact reforms in Germany to strengthen and unify the German states under Prussian leadership. However, it is important to note that his primary goal was not to promote nationalism, but rather to consolidate power and maintain stability within the newly formed German Empire.

Bismarck's reforms were aimed at addressing various political, social, and economic issues. One of his notable reforms was the introduction of a modern, centralized bureaucracy to streamline administration and strengthen the authority of the state. He also implemented social welfare reforms to appease the growing social discontent and to counter the influence of the socialist movement. These reforms included the establishment of accident and health insurance, retirement pensions, and laws protecting workers' rights.

In regards to your answer for the second question, it seems to be a mix of reforms from different time periods and countries. Robert Owen, an influential social reformer, was actually associated with reform efforts in Britain during the early 19th century, rather than Germany. In Britain, the reform movement aimed to improve working and living conditions during the Industrial Revolution. This included the Factory Act of 1833, which introduced regulations to limit child labor and improve workplace safety.

In Germany, one of the key reforms enacted was the expansion of workers' rights. Bismarck introduced several laws to help improve the conditions of workers, such as the 1883 Workers' Accident Insurance Act, which provided compensation and medical benefits to workers injured on the job. Bismarck also introduced measures to protect workers' rights to form labor unions and engage in collective bargaining.

To further develop your essay, you can expand on the implications of these reforms. For example, Bismarck's social welfare reforms were significant in that they were the first comprehensive social security system introduced in Europe. Moreover, Bismarck's reforms played a crucial role in establishing a framework for social and economic stability, and they contributed to Germany's transformation into a leading industrial power of the time.

Remember to gather more information from reliable sources to enhance your essay and ensure accuracy in your statements.