
I have to write Request Letter. The professor said becareful about these 2 points.

1. Use full block style.

2. Project a "you attitude."

What does this both mean, can you explain to me in simple English, since english is my second language. :)

Here's a good webpage that has a graphic showing you full block style:

I think the "you attitude" means you must focus on the person to whom you're writing and what he or she wants. You don't focus on yourself.


1. Full block style means that all elements of the letter, including the heading, salutation, body paragraphs, and closing, are aligned to the left margin. There are no indentations or center alignments. The entire letter is justified to the left side of the page. The website link you provided has a useful graphic that illustrates this style.

2. Projecting a "you attitude" means placing the emphasis on the reader's needs and interests rather than your own. When writing a request letter, it is important to show understanding and consideration towards the recipient. Avoid focusing solely on yourself and instead, highlight how the request will benefit the reader or how it aligns with their goals. By adopting a "you attitude," you show respect and acknowledge the importance of the reader in the letter.

Sure! I'll explain what both of these points mean in simpler terms for you.

1. Full block style: This refers to the way you format and structure your request letter. In full block style, all the elements of the letter (such as the date, recipient's address, salutation, body paragraphs, closing, and signature) are aligned to the left margin. There is no indentation for paragraphs. You can visit the provided link (http://jobsearchtech.about.com/od/letters/l/bl_block_p.htm) to see an example of a letter in full block style. Following this style ensures that your letter looks professional and organized.

2. "You attitude": When you project a "you attitude" in your letter, it means that you focus on the person you are addressing and their needs, rather than just talking about yourself. Instead of using phrases like "I want" or "I need," you should use language that shows that you understand and care about the other person's perspective. For example, instead of saying "I need your help with this project," you can say "Your expertise and guidance would be greatly appreciated for this project." This creates a more positive and friendly tone in your letter, making it more likely that the recipient will be willing to help you.

I hope this explanation makes it clearer for you. Let me know if you have any more questions!