Drawing on the courses in the public policy stream of the curriculum, answer the following question.

Assume you have been asked to set up a policy analysis unit in the state of Ohio. The unit will report directly to the Governor and will be responsible for the analysis of the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of public policy (both federal and state).


To set up a policy analysis unit in the state of Ohio, you will need to follow a step-by-step process. Here are the key steps involved:

1. Identify the Purpose and Scope of the Unit: Determine the specific objectives of the policy analysis unit. Clarify whether it will focus solely on state-level policies or also include federal policies. Define the key areas of policy analysis, such as social welfare, economic development, healthcare, environment, transportation, etc.

2. Develop a Structure: Decide on the organizational structure of the policy analysis unit. Consider factors such as the number of staff members, the hierarchy, and reporting lines. Determine the roles and responsibilities of the unit's staff members, such as policy analysts, researchers, statisticians, and administrative personnel.

3. Establish Collaborative Partnerships: Connect with other government agencies, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and experts in the field to foster collaboration and access to relevant data, expertise, and resources. This collaborative approach will enhance the credibility and effectiveness of policy analysis efforts.

4. Recruit and Train Staff: Determine the required qualifications and skills for the policy analysis unit staff. Public policy, economics, political science, statistics, and research skills are essential. Advertise job vacancies and conduct a thorough recruitment process. Once staff members are hired, provide them with the necessary training and professional development opportunities to enhance their analytical and policy evaluation skills.

5. Develop a Policy Analysis Framework: Create a framework that outlines the different stages of policy analysis, including problem identification, policy formulation, implementation analysis, and evaluation. This framework will serve as a guide for the unit's activities and ensure consistency in the analysis process.

6. Establish Data Collection and Analysis Mechanisms: Set up systems to collect, collate, and analyze relevant data and information. This may involve creating databases, conducting surveys, using statistical methods, and utilizing software tools for data analysis. Ensure data privacy and security measures are in place to protect sensitive information.

7. Build Reporting and Communication Channels: Establish a reporting structure to share policy analysis findings with the Governor's office and other relevant stakeholders. Develop clear and concise reports that highlight key policy insights, recommendations, and potential impacts. Use visual aids, graphs, and charts to present complex information in an accessible manner to facilitate decision-making.

8. Monitor and Evaluate Policy Impact: Continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of policies analyzed by the unit. Utilize performance indicators and evaluation methods to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of policy interventions. Regularly provide feedback and recommendations to policymakers to inform future policy decisions.

9. Engage in Policy Discourse: Actively participate in policy discussions and engage with stakeholders, including government officials, legislators, advocacy groups, and the public. Organize policy forums, workshops, and public consultations to gather diverse perspectives and ensure that policy analysis reflects the needs and concerns of the population.

10. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and refine the operations of the policy analysis unit based on feedback and lessons learned. Adapt to changing policy priorities and emerging issues by staying informed about new research, technological advancements, and policy trends in public administration.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up a policy analysis unit in the state of Ohio that serves as a valuable resource for evidence-based policymaking at the federal and state levels.