We have a theme for English-lIt it is OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. We were assigned a homework assignment,15 obstacles of the world. My parents don't understand how to do it. because it has been so long since they have gone to school. I really need help imediateley... It is due tommorow. Thanks to anyone who can help....

What did your teacher say that the 15 obstacles are? Or what do you think they are?

Some of the obstacles I can think of are --
lack of money
poor health
no motivation
lack of family support
lack of peer support
drug or alcohol abuse

I'm here to help you out with your homework assignment on 15 obstacles of the world. It seems like your teacher wants you to identify and discuss different obstacles that people face in their lives. Here are some additional obstacles that you can consider:

1. Discrimination and prejudice (e.g., racism, sexism)
2. Educational barriers (e.g., limited access to quality education)
3. Unemployment and underemployment
4. Social inequality and poverty
5. Mental health challenges
6. Climate change and environmental degradation
7. Political corruption and instability
8. War and conflict
9. Lack of access to basic necessities (such as clean water, food, and shelter)
10. Physical disabilities and limitations
11. Gender inequality
12. Inadequate infrastructure (e.g., lack of roads, electricity, or internet)
13. Language barriers and cultural differences
14. Human rights violations
15. Lack of technological advancements

To approach your homework assignment, you can start by choosing 15 of these obstacles or any others you can think of that resonate with you. For each obstacle, provide a brief explanation of what it is and how it can hinder individuals in overcoming their challenges. You can also include examples or real-life instances to support your points.

Remember to structure your assignment with an introduction, body paragraphs for each obstacle, and a conclusion. This will help you organize your thoughts and make your assignment coherent.

If you need additional information or examples for any of the obstacles, you can do some research online or refer to your textbook or class notes. Good luck, and feel free to ask any other questions you may have!