Help me PPLLEEAASSEE!I understand how a number can be both equal and greaterthan!Can you help me?I'm gonna die!

It can't be both, but it can be either. That is what the "greater than or equal" sign means

I'm here to help! It sounds like you have a question about how a number can be both equal and greater than. However, it's important to note that a number cannot be both equal and greater than at the same time. However, a number can be either equal to or greater than another number.

If you're seeing the symbol ">=" in an equation or mathematical expression, it represents "greater than or equal to." This means that the number on the left side of the equation can be either greater than the number on the right side or equal to it.

Let's break it down with an example to make it clearer:

Let's say we have the following equation:

5 >= 3

In this case, the number 5 is greater than 3 because 5 is larger than 3. However, the "greater than or equal to" sign also allows for the possibility of equality. In this equation, since it is "greater than or equal to," it means that 5 is both greater than 3 and equal to 3.

So, to summarize, the "greater than or equal to" symbol allows for the possibility of equality as well as being greater than. However, it cannot be both equal and greater than at the same time.