The ratio of Aldo's cycing speed to Jose's cycling speed is 6:5. Jose leaves at 3:00pm and Aldo Leaves at 3:10pm. Aldo is only 2km away from Jose. How fast is each cycling?(make a rate-time-distance chart).

What is the solution

To determine the cycling speeds of Aldo and Jose, we can create a rate-time-distance chart and use algebra.

Let's start by filling in the known information:
- The ratio of Aldo's cycling speed to Jose's cycling speed is 6:5.
- Aldo leaves 10 minutes (or 1/6 hour) after Jose.
- Aldo is only 2 km away from Jose.

Now let's create the rate-time-distance chart:

Cyclist Speed Time Distance
Jose 5 t d
Aldo 6 t - 1/6 d - 2

In this chart:
- Speed is given in the ratio of Aldo's speed to Jose's speed.
- Time is the duration of cycling.
- Distance is the distance covered by each cyclist.

Since the distance covered by Aldo is 2 km less than Jose, we subtract 2 from Jose's distance, represented as (d - 2) in the chart.

Now we can use the formula: Distance = Speed × Time.

For Jose:
Distance = 5 × t
Note that the time for Jose is simply represented as 't' since he leaves at 3:00 pm.

For Aldo:
Distance = 6 × (t - 1/6)
Here, Aldo's time is represented as '(t - 1/6)' since he leaves 10 minutes (or 1/6 hour) later than Jose.

Since we know that Aldo is only 2 km away from Jose, we can set up an equation:
5t = 6(t - 1/6) - 2

Now we can solve the equation to find the value of t:

5t = 6t - 1 - 2
5t - 6t = -3
-t = -3
t = 3

Once we have the value of t, we can substitute it back into the equations from the rate-time-distance chart to find the distances covered by each cyclist and calculate their respective speeds.

For Jose:
Distance = 5 × 3 = 15 km

For Aldo:
Distance = 6 × (3 - 1/6) = 6 × (17/6) = 17 km

Thus, the cycling speed of Jose is 5 km/h, and the cycling speed of Aldo is 6 km/h.