Which of the following statements about Federalists is true?

a. They called for a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
b. George Washington founded their party.
c. They were generally supported by farmers.
d. A strong national government was of great concern to them.

I think d


D. is the correct answer.


Federalists called for a loose interpretation of the Constitution.

To determine if statement a is true, we need to understand the beliefs and values of Federalists. The Federalists were a political party in the early years of the United States, and they believed in a strong national government and a loose interpretation of the Constitution. They argued for a broad interpretation of the Constitution to allow the government to have more power. So, statement a is not true because Federalists called for a loose interpretation, not a strict interpretation, of the Constitution.


To determine if statement b is true, we need to know who founded the Federalist party. The Federalist Party was founded by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Adams, not George Washington. So, statement b is not true.


To determine if statement c is true, we need to know who generally supported the Federalists. The Federalists were generally supported by urban elites, merchants, and bankers, not farmers. They represented the interests of the commercial and business sectors. So, statement c is not true.


To determine if statement d is true, we need to understand the concerns of the Federalists regarding the national government. The Federalists believed that a strong national government was necessary for the stability, security, and economic development of the newly formed United States. They wanted a central authority that could effectively govern the country and protect its interests. So, statement d is true.

Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Though Federalists supported a strong national government, they did not call for a strict interpretation of the Constitution. This is a characteristic of the Anti-Federalists.