When mixing formaldehide and asiphilate what happens?

Check the spelling of asiphilate?

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information on a chemical compound called "asiphilate." It is possible that you may have misspelled the term or it could be a relatively unknown substance. However, I can provide you with some information on the reaction between formaldehyde and other common chemicals.

When formaldehyde is mixed with certain substances, it can undergo various chemical reactions depending on the specific compound. For instance, if formaldehyde is mixed with water, it can form a solution called formalin which is commonly used as a disinfectant and a preservative for biological samples.

Formaldehyde can also react with alcohols to form "methylol" compounds, such as methylene glycol. These reactions are often used in applications such as the production of resins, plastics, and adhesives.

If you have any other specific compounds or reactions you would like to know about, please let me know and I will be happy to provide you with more detailed information.