Is "67" a prime or composite number?


To determine if 67 is a prime or composite number, we can follow a simple method:

1. Start by dividing 67 by every whole number (integer) starting from 2 up to the square root of 67.
- If any of these divisions divide evenly without any remainder, then 67 is not a prime number.
- Otherwise, if all divisions have remainders, then 67 is a prime number.

Let's apply this method to 67:
- Divide 67 by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on until the square root of 67, which is approximately 8.2.
- None of these divisions divide evenly without any remainder.
- Therefore, 67 does not have any factors other than 1 and itself.

Since 67 does not have any factors other than 1 and itself, it is a prime number.