Which is larger in land area, California or Missouri?

i think it is california


the answer is claifornia.


naw b

You are correct! California is indeed larger in land area compared to Missouri. Now, let me explain how you can find this information yourself.

To determine which state is larger in land area, you can use reliable online sources or consult reputable reference books. One widely used source is the United States Census Bureau. Here's how you can navigate their website to find the land areas of California and Missouri:

1. Open a web browser and search for "United States Census Bureau."
2. Click on the official website of the United States Census Bureau, which should be one of the top search results.
3. On the Census Bureau's website, look for a tab or link called "Geography."
4. Under the "Geography" section, search for a link or option that leads to "Land Area."
5. Click on the "Land Area" link or option to access the relevant information.
6. Once you have accessed the land area data, you can compare the numbers for California and Missouri to determine which state is larger.

Remember, it's always a good idea to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.

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