Directions: Correct the following sentences given if needed under the rule of :Inclusive language-Making language non-sexist.

(1) The directors and their wives met the stockholders for a night on the town.

(2) Each advisor was contacted by his students.

(3) The minister joined the couple together as man and wife.

(1) Change "wives" to "spouses".
(2) change "his" to "his or her" or change the whole sentence to read "The students contacted their advisors".
(3) Change "man" to "husband"

correct spelling

are you one hundred percent sure. i need to know why , i have an exam next week and i want to understand the rules.

which one is correct spelling

It appears that there is a typo in your request. You mentioned "correct spelling," but you did not specify which word you would like to have the correct spelling for. Could you please clarify which word you are referring to?

To answer your question about the inclusive language rules, I will explain each correction and provide the reasoning behind it:

(1) The directors and their wives met the stockholders for a night on the town.
Correction: Change "wives" to "spouses".
Reasoning: Using the term "spouses" instead of "wives" ensures that the language is inclusive of individuals who may not identify as female but are married to the directors.

(2) Each advisor was contacted by his students.
Correction 1: Change "his" to "his or her".
Reasoning: This change allows for the inclusion of both male and female students, ensuring that the language does not assume the gender of the students.
Correction 2: Change the whole sentence to read "The students contacted their advisors."
Reasoning: This alternative revision eliminates the need for using gender-specific pronouns and makes the sentence more inclusive by using the plural "students" instead of singular pronouns.

(3) The minister joined the couple together as man and wife.
Correction: Change "man" to "husband".
Reasoning: This change acknowledges that not all couples are composed of a man and a woman, and using the term "husband" eliminates potential gender assumptions.

Please note that in inclusive language, it is important to consider the context and individuals involved to ensure sensitivity and respect for all genders.