Jan Quint earns $7.00 an hour at her job and is entitled to time-and-a-half for overtime, and double time on holidays. Last week she worked 40 hours of regular time, 9 hours of overtime, and 12 hours of holiday time. How much did she earn last week

what was Evonne's total overtime earnings

To calculate Jan Quint's earnings for last week, we need to determine the pay for regular hours, overtime hours, and holiday hours separately, and then add them up.

1. Regular Hours Pay:
Jan worked 40 regular hours, and she earns $7.00 per hour. Therefore, her regular hours pay is calculated as:
Regular Hours Pay = Regular Hours Worked * Hourly Rate
Regular Hours Pay = 40 hours * $7.00/hour = $280.00

2. Overtime Pay:
Jan worked 9 hours of overtime. In this case, she is entitled to time-and-a-half pay, which means she would earn 1.5 times her regular rate for each overtime hour. Therefore, her overtime pay is calculated as:
Overtime Pay = Overtime Hours Worked * (Hourly Rate * 1.5)
Overtime Pay = 9 hours * ($7.00/hour * 1.5) = $94.50

3. Holiday Pay:
Jan worked 12 hours of holiday time. For holidays, she is entitled to double time pay, meaning she would earn 2 times her regular rate for each holiday hour. Therefore, her holiday pay is calculated as:
Holiday Pay = Holiday Hours Worked * (Hourly Rate * 2)
Holiday Pay = 12 hours * ($7.00/hour * 2) = $168.00

Now, we can calculate Jan Quint's total earnings for last week by adding up her regular hours pay, overtime pay, and holiday pay:
Total Earnings = Regular Hours Pay + Overtime Pay + Holiday Pay
Total Earnings = $280.00 + $94.50 + $168.00 = $542.50

Therefore, Jan Quint earned $542.50 last week.

40*7 + 9*7*1.5 + 12*7*2