which of the following is a quantitative property of minerals ?

a) cleavage
b) hardness
c) luster
d) streak

which of the following is not a characteristics of minerals ?

a) occur in gaseous and liquid state
b) formed by inorganic processes
c) naturally occurring
d) definite chemical composiiton



4/4 100%

Hope this helps people that are viewing this now.

1. D. Luster.
2. B. Hardness.
3. C. Talc, Calcite, Feldspar, Diamond.
4. A. Occur in gaseous and liquid state.
This is for a the four question quick check, so if your test is different, these answers might be wrong for you. Especially if you don't go to Conexus.

thxs pineapple 100% trust that person

You can measure hardness and assign numbers to it

I suppose if it got hot enough we could get granite gas or liquid, but it is extremely unlikely.

THANK YOU PINEAPPLE AND NEKO-DRAGON! <3 I only needed help with question 2 because when I took notes it said that the quantitative property of minerals were multiple things, so I didn’t understand. Again, thank you!

thank you so much pineapple!! you are 100% correct

100% correct

Hooray!!!!!!!!!! Thnx Neko-Dragon And Pineapple!! You better trust these guys.

Thxx so much!!

Pineapple thank you

I wish I could pay you $5.32

hi thank you 100% and i do go to connexus

yayyyyyy Neko-Dragon is right but on three i but 2 unstade of three lolol but neko is right just trust em


yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss thank you i wish i could pay you $555.000

I took the test and got it wrong the answer is
