
please help me with this


(x-1)(x-8) = -2(x+6)

expand and solve as a quadratic

is 7/8 the answer for this


x^2 - 9x + 8 = -2x - 12
x^2 - 7x + 20 = 0

Using the quadratice formula I got
imaginary roots of
(7 ±i√31)/2

To solve the equation (-2)/(x-1) = (x-8)/(x+6), we need to get rid of the fractions and find the value of x that satisfies the equation.

Here's the step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by (x-1) and (x+6) to eliminate the denominators:

(x-1) * ((-2)/(x-1)) = (x-1) * ((x-8)/(x+6))
(x+6) * ((x-8)/(x+6)) = (x+6) * ((-2)/(x-1))

Simplifying these expressions, we get:

-2 = (x-8)*(x+6)
(x-8)*(x+6) = -2

Step 2: Expand and simplify the equations:

-2 = x^2 - 8x + 6x - 48
x^2 - 2x - 46 = 0

Step 3: Rearrange the equation in standard quadratic form:

x^2 - 2x - 46 = 0

Step 4: Factor or use the quadratic formula to solve for x.

Unfortunately, this equation cannot be factored easily. So we'll use the quadratic formula to find the solutions:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

For the equation x^2 - 2x - 46 = 0, a = 1, b = -2, and c = -46.

x = (-(-2) ± √((-2)^2 - 4*1*(-46))) / (2*1)
x = (2 ± √(4 + 184)) / 2
x = (2 ± √188) / 2
x = (2 ± 2√47) / 2
x = 1 ± √47

Therefore, the solutions to the equation are x = 1 + √47 and x = 1 - √47.