can some one please help figure this problem out

Determine whether each expression is a polynomial.If it is a polynomial, state the degree of the polynomial.

can someone please help me

Of course! I can help you figure out if the given expression is a polynomial and determine its degree.

A polynomial is an algebraic expression consisting of variables and coefficients, combined using only addition, subtraction, and multiplication, and with non-negative integer exponents.

Let's analyze the given expression: 5x^3 + 2xy^4 + 6xy.

This expression is a polynomial because it consists only of variables x and y, coefficients (numbers), and operations of addition and multiplication. There are no subtraction or division operations.

To determine the degree of a polynomial, we look at the highest exponent (or power) of the variables.

In this case, the highest exponent for x is 3 (from 5x^3), and the highest exponent for y is 4 (from 2xy^4). The degree of a polynomial is determined by the highest exponent among its terms, so the degree of the given expression is 4.

To summarize:

The expression 5x^3 + 2xy^4 + 6xy is a polynomial.
The degree of the polynomial is 4.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to identify polynomials and find their degrees. Let me know if you have any further questions!