If a student's rank in a class of 300 students is 111, find the student's percentile rank

300-111 = 189

Percentile rank = 189/300 =63

To find the student's percentile rank, you need to determine the percentage of students who have a lower rank than the student.

Step 1: Calculate the number of students who have a lower rank than the student.
In this case, the student's rank is 111. Therefore, there are 110 students who have a rank lower than 111.

Step 2: Calculate the percentile rank.
To calculate the percentile rank, divide the number of students who have a lower rank by the total number of students in the class, and then multiply by 100.
(percentile rank = (number of students with lower rank / total number of students) * 100)

In this case, the student's percentile rank would be:
(percentile rank = 110 / 300 * 100)

Percentile rank = (110 / 300) * 100
Percentile rank ≈ 36.67

Therefore, the student's percentile rank is approximately 36.67.