I Need Help With Two Questions The First One Is Find The Distance Between Riverside And Milton If They Are 12 Cm Apart On A Map With A Scale Of 4 cm : 21 Km And The Second One Is Oak Grove And Salem Are 87 Mi From Each Other . How Far Apart Would The Cities Be On A Map That Has A Scale Of 5 In : 29 mi ? Help Me With These Problems Please

This would be a lot easier to read if you had used standard capitalization and punctuation.

Find The Distance Between Riverside And Milton If They Are 12 Cm Apart On A Map With A Scale Of 4 cm : 21 Km.

3 * 21 = ?

Oak Grove And Salem Are 87 Mi From Each Other . How Far Apart Would The Cities Be On A Map That Has A Scale Of 5 In : 29 mi

Cross multiply and solve for d.

5/29 = d/87

15 miles

12cmweight lengt=20cm


The answer is 15 inches

get shrektd forget skool


Sure, I'd be happy to help you with those questions!

Question 1:
To find the actual distance between Riverside and Milton when they are 12 cm apart on a map with a scale of 4 cm : 21 km, you can set up a proportion.

Let's assign variables for the unknown distance and the known values:
Let "x" represent the actual distance between Riverside and Milton.
Let "12 cm" represent the distance on the map.
Let "4 cm" represent the scale on the map.
Let "21 km" represent the actual distance corresponding to 4 cm on the map.

We can set up the proportion as follows:
(actual distance) / (distance on the map) = (actual scale) / (map scale)

So, we have:
x cm / 12 cm = 21 km / 4 cm

Now, we solve for "x":
x cm = (12 cm * 21 km) / 4 cm

Simplifying, we get:
x cm = 63 km

Therefore, the actual distance between Riverside and Milton is 63 km.

Question 2:
To find how far apart Oak Grove and Salem would be on a map with a scale of 5 in : 29 mi, we can follow a similar process.

Let's assign variables for the unknown distance and the known values:
Let "x" represent the distance between Oak Grove and Salem on the map.
Let "5 in" represent the distance on the map.
Let "29 mi" represent the actual distance between Oak Grove and Salem.

We can set up the proportion as follows:
(distance on the map) / (actual distance) = (map scale) / (actual scale)

So, we have:
x in / 5 in = 29 mi / 5 in

Now, we solve for "x":
x in = (5 in * 29 mi) / 5 in

Simplifying, we get:
x in = 29 mi

Therefore, on the map with a scale of 5 in : 29 mi, Oak Grove and Salem would be 29 mi apart.