If the circumference of a circle is 16 pi, what is its area ?

A = pi * 8^2

c = 2rpi

16pi = 2rpi
16pi/2pi =r
8 = r

A = r^2 pi
A = (8)^2 pi
A = 64pi

To find the area of a circle given its circumference, we can use the formula:

A = (C^2) / (4π)

Here, A represents the area and C represents the circumference of the circle.

In this case, the circumference of the circle is given as 16π. Plugging this value into our formula, we have:

A = (16π^2) / (4π)

Now, let's simplify the equation:

A = 4π^2 / π

Since π is a common factor in the numerator and the denominator, it cancels out:

A = 4π

Therefore, the area of the given circle is 4π.