Write a balanced nuclear equation for the positron emission of each of the following radioactive isotopes: silicon-26,mercury-188,7737Rb,9345Rh

Since we can't do subscripts and superscripts as we would like I do these so that the first number is the atomic number followed by the symbol of the element followed by the mass number. For example, 26Co60 is Co (element 26) with a mass number of 60. A positron is a positive electron and is +1e0 meaning +1 charge and 0 mass.

14Si26 ==> +1e0 + yXz
Now you want the atomic numbers to add up and the masses to add up.
14 = 1 + y; therefore, y must be 13. Element 13 is Al so X = Al. Then 26 = 0+z so z ust be 26. The equation is
14Si26 = 1e0 + 13Al26

The others are done the same way.

To write a balanced nuclear equation for the positron emission of each radioactive isotope, we need to determine the products formed and balance the atomic and mass numbers on both sides of the equation.

1. Silicon-26:
The positron emission of Silicon-26 can be represented as:
^26Si -> ^26Al + e+

In this reaction, Silicon-26 decays into Aluminum-26 by emitting a positron.

2. Mercury-188:
The positron emission of Mercury-188 can be represented as:
^188Hg -> ^188Au + e+

In this reaction, Mercury-188 decays into Gold-188 by emitting a positron.

3. 77-37 Rb:
The positron emission of Rubidium-77 can be represented as:
^77Rb -> ^77Kr + e+

In this reaction, Rubidium-77 decays into Krypton-77 by emitting a positron.

4. 93-45 Rh:
The positron emission of Rhodium-93 can be represented as:
^93Rh -> ^93Ru + e+

In this reaction, Rhodium-93 decays into Ruthenium-93 by emitting a positron.

Please note that these balanced nuclear equations represent the positron emission for each radioactive isotope.

To write a balanced nuclear equation for positron emission, we need to understand what positron emission is. Positron emission occurs when a proton in the nucleus of an atom is converted into a neutron and a positron (a positively charged electron). This process reduces the atomic number by one (since a proton is lost) but keeps the mass number the same.

Now let's write the balanced nuclear equations for each of the given radioactive isotopes:

1. Silicon-26:
The symbol for silicon is Si, and its atomic number is 14. Therefore, silicon-26 has 14 protons and 26 - 14 = 12 neutrons. To write the balanced nuclear equation, we simply need to represent the emission of a positron.

The balanced nuclear equation for silicon-26 positron emission is:

^26Si -> ^26Mg + ^0e

2. Mercury-188:
The symbol for mercury is Hg, and its atomic number is 80. Thus, mercury-188 has 80 protons and 188 - 80 = 108 neutrons. Again, we represent the emission of a positron.

The balanced nuclear equation for mercury-188 positron emission is:

^188Hg -> ^188Au + ^0e

3. 77Rb (rubidium-77):
Rubidium has the symbol Rb and atomic number 37. Therefore, rubidium-77 has 37 protons and 77 - 37 = 40 neutrons.

The balanced nuclear equation for rubidium-77 positron emission is:

^77Rb -> ^77Kr + ^0e

4. 45Rh (rhodium-45):
Rhodium is represented by the symbol Rh, and its atomic number is 45. Rhodium-45 has 45 protons and 45 - 45 = 0 neutrons (since the mass number is equal to the atomic number).

The balanced nuclear equation for rhodium-45 positron emission is:

^45Rh -> ^45Ru + ^0e

Remember, in a balanced nuclear equation, the sum of the atomic numbers must be equal on both sides, as must the sum of the mass numbers. The emission of the positron accounts for the decrease in atomic number while keeping the mass number constant.