What are the answers to the middle school math with pizzazz book e page 29?

Idk someone help I hate school like come on just send a link or something

1. Fire Quackers


The article sale is tent organil price is 90 percent discount is 25% what is the amount of the discount and sale price

What is the answer for 2 on D-35

what do you get when... you cross two ducks with a match.? cross a stick of dynamite with a lemon pie

i tink dat yer cherting! go lern yer scherl! kerds in aferica re herppy to b n sheoll mk m8 ok m8 got it m8. gerd m8


tom atos

ms. sue get a life and stop caring about people you don't know. everyone else hates hw

Guys stop

We don't know. You'll find out the answers without cheating after you correctly solve your math problems.

What school isthis