How can estimating be helpful before finding an actual product.

it will make it easier to solve the problem.Also it would be faster because you don't have to get the exact amount like cooking for groups of people and you don't know how many people are coming so you estimate.But you have to round up so you have enough food but if you round down you might not have enough food.

Estimating before solving helps you find the right answer because if your number is far away from your estimate than you have the answer wrong if it is close to your estimation you have the answer right.

It is helpful because when you are estimating you don't have the exact amout so it is easier and faster

Hope this helps! :)

Estimating makes it more easier because you just do the basic fact and then add the zeros. Doing that makes it easy enough to do mental math

It sometimes makes things a whole lot easier

Estimating is more helpful because finding the exact product is harder and estimating will make it almost 80% right.

Estimating keeps you from making a huge mistake.

thank you to the one i checked for actually answering the question

not helpful

BTW LogAn poll and JAke poll are the same people (They are me) :3

Omg LogAn TydAs keeps taking my girlfriend thank god he got one noW

Omg I saw a dead body
