
Rosa, Roberto, Andrea, and Inno find an estimate for square root 10. Who has proposed the best solution? (1 point)

Rosa: "Use square root 9 and square root 25 to estimate."
Roberto: "I will use square root 4 and square root 9."
Andrea: "It should be square root 11 and square root 12."
Inno: "Use square root 9 and square root 16 to find the estimate."

Joy knits a square blanket that has an area of 1,500 square inches. What is the approximate length of each side of the blanket? (1 point)

16 inches
27 inches
39 inches
42 inches

An example of an irrational number is _____. (1 point)

negative square root 17
square root 16
negative square root 9
square root 1

Which statement is true? (1 point)

Every real number is an integer.
Every rational number is a real number.
Every rational number is a perfect square.
Every integer is an irrational number.

Which two sqare roots are used to estimate square root 47? (1 point)

square root 25 and square root 36
square root 25 and square root 49
square root 36 and square root 49
square root 49 and square root 64

An estimate for –negative square root 72 is _____. (1 point)

– 8.1
– 8.5
– 9.1
– 9.5

Mason is an architect and is drawing the plans for a room addition for a client. If the shape of the room is a cube, what is the volume in cubic feet if the length is 23 feet? (1 point)


The area of a circle is found with the formula A = pi r squared, where pi represents 3.14. If a tile artist is placing tiles in a circular mosaic pattern and the area of the circle is 658 square feet, what is the approximate radius of the circle in feet? (1 point)


my answers

we all know we're here because connexus sucks and doesn't tell us what to do so we're cheating :V

Alright for you all who don't understand these are the right answers 100%

1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. C

I cant freaking believe my parents had to pay like 600 dolars for them to throw these questions at us and not even teach us AT ALL.

1. Inno

2. 39 inches
3. -√17
4. Every real number is an integer
5. √36 and √49
6. -8.5
7. ??? I don't know yet
8. ??? I don't know yet

1. Yep

2. Yep
3. Yep
4. Yep
5. Yep
6. Yep
7. Yep
8. Yep

Same a connexus cheater

What is the answers to 9 and 10 everyone?


7. c
8. c

And this website great but I'm scared for what might happen on the future what if I learn nothing get into a good college and know nothing like bruh even tho I'm naturally smart except I don't pay attention in class at all so big Fat OOOOOFF

Honestly though I hate connections with a PASSION

9.any number that can be expressed as a simple fraction of the form a/b, where b ≠ 0 is rational

rational --- from ratio --- a: b or a/b

A number which cannot be expressed as a simple fraction in the above form is irrational
irrational --> not rational
(irresponsible -- not responsible)

Any decimal which terminates is rational
any decimal which has a repeat is rational
any decimal which does not show any repeating decimals and which is never-ending is irrational

4/7 --- rational
3.454545... rational
2.6789789789... rational
4.56556555655556... irrational
π --- irrational
√5 or any square root of a number which is not a perfect square is irrational

√16 -- rational, but √17 -- irrational

(put in own words so you guys don't get in trouble)

i can say for the most part that you are correct, for those other students of connexusacademy.

anyone got the answers for 9 & 10

connexus cheaters i understand my comrades

I don't like this school at all


The way that finding the square root is different than finding the cube root is that with the square root, you need to find two numbers that are the same and multiply with that number. To find the cube root, it would be like exponents where instead of finding the answer, you need to find the number your multiplying that many times

3 /
V 64

So you can do the square root as 8x8 so that being 8.
And with the cube root you would do something like 4x4x4 therefore its 4

Also could I please have a startup answer for 9 &10

I love just reading comments it brightens up my day. Thanks

Inno is the student name

this really start in 2013 and it is still right

10 questions only not 12

9 & 10 are essay answers and thats why no one is giving the answers because then the teachers will know right away

Connexus makes simple things so complicated and their questions sometimes and be very contradicting to what the answers are :(

All of your answers are correct and thank u this really helped me out a lot really u guys are a big help....😚❤💋😌👅👍👌😂

Thank chu~💜

yassssssss thx for da answers!!!!!! you helped a lot

What does inno mean?

im trying to get them to🐣

Conexus again I feel ya I hate it all the way to the deepest darkest parts of my ever loving soul !!!!!!!!!!!!!😡

Thank you smart people :)))

thank you ann

theres 10 questions

when there is a consturctive response...

JOE, It is Inno

Thanks "anonymous"!!

whats the answer to numbers 9 and 10

Thxs yall are awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ikr that's what I'm saying lmao

Thanks! :)

also I cannot read those boring things for so long without getting distracted LOL


Your answers are correct thank you!!

^^ lmao ok, you two seem to type completely different from eachother wdym

Thank you everyone i fond the answers i was looking for.😉😋😝🥷🦊🤯


But anyone got the answers to 9 and 10?????

tbh the things are supes confusing it's literally so much reading like we can't remember all that! My parents thought these were gonna all be videos BUT NO it like 2 lessons and everything else is reading ugh

can yall help me

Which box-and-whisker plot matches the data?

23, 32, 20, 13, 27, 36, 29, 38, 23, 15, 30, 18

hello from the future- HEE HEE



Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!11 whats 9 and 10!!!!!!!!!!

for you guys out there who were also struggling with cube roots,

cube roots are just a number to the power of 3.
for example, the cube root of 27 is 3 because 3x3=9, 9x3=27
hoped this helped dudes, best of luck

From the Conrail Corporation™
©Nedo Corporation 1976-1999

I got #9 but still need help on #10

can someone SHOW YOUR WORK for 7 and 8

Ya'll trying going to k12 it's worse

yeah Hi and yass peeps thx so much

keep this at the same number of likes and dislikes...:0

Why does it matter?

Rosa, Roberto, Andrea, and Inno find an estimate for square root 10. Who has proposed the best solution?

A. Rosa: "Use square root 9 and square root 25 to estimate."
B. Roberto: "I will use square root 4 and square root 9."
C. Andrea: "It should be square root 11 and square root 12."
D. Inno: "Use square root 9 and square root 16 to find the estimate."

kk thx

what 9 and 10

🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 is correct ❤️

Thanks peoples!!!

thanks i got 100

ive got some stuff for number 10 but i still need help


So what's 10 then? Or has someone already answered and I haven't seen it.

does anyone have the answers to 9 and 10🤫

Yeah the example was suppose to be a square root sign

yoo right

tysm @bakugo!! @anonymus

Thank u all Soo sooo much for helping omg u all are life savers

# 9 The definition of rational numbers is those that can be expressed as fractions. All of the figures are integers. Numbers that cannot be expressed as fractions are referred to as irrational numbers. These decimals don't repeat and don't terminate. For instance, e = 2.71828182846... is irrational because the decimal part lacks any pattern. The decimal part is also infinite.

That's a correct explanation for #9! Well done.

Thx u ;w;

come on kacchan

During one season, a basketball player attempted 414 shots and made 174 of them. What fraction of the shots did the player make? Write your answer in simplest form.

A. start fraction 29 over 69 end fraction
B. start fraction 87 over 207 end fraction
C. start fraction 17 over 41 end fraction
D. start fraction 14 over 46 end fraction

Guys, I’m sure you guys can get 9 and 10 on your own! Good luck!

HELLO YALL there is a freaking ELA test and noone cared to show answers what r we gonna do???!!! JK im kidding laughing on the outside crying on the inside ^-;



Its not that bad.

lol mha

how about calling it by its real name boku no hero academia

Good luck on number 10 because number 9 is all I'm going to give you guys!!!! HAHAHAHA


poor souls there are 12 questions, and only 1-6 of yours are up there


7. D

8. B
100% correct