The elevation of Mt. Whitney, the highest peak in California is 14,776 ft more than the elevation of Death Valley, California. If Death Valley is 282 ft below sea level, find the elevation of Mt. Whitney.

Let x be the elevation of Mt. Whitney

x - (-282) = 14,776

Solve for x

x=5082!if something minus a negative number equals a positive number just add both together!

To find the elevation of Mt. Whitney, we need to solve the equation:

x - (-282) = 14,776

To simplify the equation, we can rewrite it as:

x + 282 = 14,776

To isolate x on one side of the equation, we can subtract 282 from both sides:

x = 14,776 - 282

Evaluating the expression on the right-hand side gives us:

x = 14,494

Therefore, the elevation of Mt. Whitney is 14,494 ft.