An object weighing 90 N has a volume of 45 mL and a mass of 9.0 g. What is its density?

A. 0.10 g/mL

B. 0.20 g/mL

C. 5.0 g/mL

d. 10 g/mL

Please and Thank YOU


im probably way to late for this, but it was b, just saying

Correct I think, just follow your instincts the first answer you think it is its most likely that one, don't cheat, i understand you just need help but you should go to your book.


I totally agree with you Hailey!!


The correct answer is B

Yep, it is B.

VANESSA, please don't use caps and the correct answer is b, I just did this and got a 100%

~lol star ♥

lol star why cant she use caps?

Its B, but still go with your gut

It is b

no obvi thats why i came here

ummmmmmmm...... tbh I think its C but I'm probably wrong

Does any of you know how to do them math for it it is really simple

Im thinking its C can someone help me??

ya i need help with this to is it c?

So is it C. cause I am trying to explain this to my daughter?