Marco and Suzi each multiplied 0.721 x100. Marco got 7.21 for his product. Suzi got 72.1 for her product. Which student multiplied correctly? Why?

0.721 x 100 means move decimal point to the right 2 spaces, so it should be

0.721 --> 7.21 ---> 72.1


Suzi is correct because your multiply the number with 100 so you move two spaces to the right

72.1 is the correct answer

You adults gonna get schooled by me a kid

Suzi 72.1

72.1 is the correct answer move the decmial to the right

suzi bro bc u move 2 spaces to the right

did that help yes or no


I actually took hero's answer

I like turtles :3

suzi idk y help lel

oh no i saw a dead body in the forest

Omg Logan For reals????

Why didn’t you take meh?

I dont know but Im smart!
