How to you convert a percentage into a fraction?

Per cent means of 100.

40% means 40 parts of 100 or 40/100
Simplified 40/100 = 2/5

percent means "per 100" (from Latin)

so, 60% means 60 per 100 = 60/100

So, doing the math, to convert % to a fraction, divide by 100.

Converting a percentage into a fraction is a relatively simple mathematical process. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Take the numerical value of the percentage and write it as the numerator of the fraction. For example, if you have 75%, write 75 as the numerator.

2. Determine the denominator of the fraction by using the denominator of 100. Since percentages are based on a scale of 100, the denominator of the fraction will always be 100.

3. Simplify the fraction if possible. Divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor to obtain the simplest form of the fraction. For instance, if the fraction is 75/100, divide both the numerator and the denominator by 25. This will simplify the fraction to 3/4.

Therefore, to convert a percentage into a fraction, simply place the percentage as the numerator and use the denominator of 100.