Which of the following explains how natural selection leads to evolution?

a. Conditions in the environment reduce competition for resources within a species.
b. Helpful variations accumulate among surviving members of the species.
c. Overproduction provides food for stronger members of the species.
d. Environmental changes favor weaker members of the species.


B is correct trust me!!!


It is B

The correct option that explains how natural selection leads to evolution is option B: Helpful variations accumulate among surviving members of the species.

To understand why this option is correct, let's break down the process of natural selection and how it contributes to evolution:

1. Variation: Within a species, individuals exhibit natural variations, or differences, in traits such as size, color, or behavior. These variations are a result of genetic diversity, which arises from mutations, recombination, and other genetic processes.

2. Overproduction: In every generation, more offspring are produced than can survive due to limited resources like food, water, and shelter. This leads to a struggle for survival among the individuals in a population.

3. Selection: Within this struggle for survival, certain variations or traits may confer an advantage to certain individuals. For example, a faster running speed may help an individual escape predators or obtain food more efficiently. These advantageous variations increase the chances of survival and reproduction for the individuals possessing them.

4. Survival and Reproduction: Individuals with these advantageous traits have a higher probability of surviving to reproductive age, finding suitable mates, and producing offspring. This allows these beneficial traits to be passed on to the next generation.

5. Accumulation of Traits: Over time, through successive generations, the beneficial traits become more prevalent in the population, while other traits that are not advantageous may become less common or disappear altogether. This accumulation of helpful traits among the surviving members of the species is known as natural selection.

6. Evolution: As more and more advantageous traits accumulate within a population over time, the population gradually changes and adapts to its environment. This process of change and adaptation is what we refer to as evolution.

Therefore, the correct explanation for how natural selection leads to evolution is that helpful variations accumulate among surviving members of the species.

Environmental changes favor weaker members of the species.