At Kinko's, Sean made 56 copies costing $16. Color copies cost $0.75 each and black and white copies cost $0.10 each. How many copies of each did Sean make? Thanks!!

Kinkos what

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's use the variables "c" to represent the number of color copies and "b" to represent the number of black and white copies.

From the given information, we know that:

1) Sean made a total of 56 copies: c + b = 56

2) The cost of the copies is $16: 0.75c + 0.10b = 16

Now we have a system of two equations with two variables. We can solve this system to find the values of "c" and "b" using substitution or elimination.

Let's solve this system of equations using the substitution method:

From equation 1, we have c = 56 - b.

Substitute this value of c into equation 2:

0.75(56 - b) + 0.10b = 16

Now we can simplify and solve for b:

42 - 0.75b + 0.10b = 16
42 - 0.65b = 16

Subtract 42 from both sides:

-0.65b = 16 - 42
-0.65b = -26

Divide both sides by -0.65:

b = -26 / -0.65
b = 40

Now we can substitute the value of b back into equation 1 to find c:

c + 40 = 56
c = 56 - 40
c = 16

Therefore, Sean made 16 color copies (c) and 40 black and white copies (b).

16 color copies at 12.00 and 40 white copies at 4.00 = 16.00
