Manny works 40 hours per week. He must work for his parents where he earns $8 per hour. He also works for a computer company where he earns $20 per hour. What is the minimum number of hours Manny can work for the computer company to earn a total of $464 per week from both jobs?

8*(40-x)+20*(x) = 464

320 - 8x + 20 x = 464
12 x = 144

oh i see. thanks!!

the hypotenuse od a right triangle is 13 cm. one of the legs is 7 cm longer than the other leg. Find the area of the triangle

To find the minimum number of hours Manny needs to work for the computer company, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Let x be the number of hours Manny works for the computer company.

Manny works 40 hours per week for his parents at $8 per hour, so he earns 40 * 8 = $<<40*8=320>>320 from that job.

For the computer company, he earns $20 per hour, so he will earn 20 * x = 20x.

The total amount Manny earns per week is the sum of his earnings from both jobs, which is 320 + 20x.

We want to find the minimum number of hours he needs to work for the computer company to earn a total of $464 per week. So, we can set up the equation as follows:

320 + 20x = 464

To solve this equation for x, we can subtract 320 from both sides:

20x = 464 - 320
20x = 144

Then, divide both sides by 20:

x = 144 / 20
x = 7.2

Since Manny cannot work a fractional number of hours, we round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, Manny needs to work at least 8 hours for the computer company to earn a total of $464 per week from both jobs.