macs farm has a total of 18 horses and 27 cows. what is the ratio of horses to cow in simplest form?

a class has 27 students. fifteen are boys and the rest are girls. what is the ratio of girls to total students?

the cost of your favorite lemonade is $3.84 for 3 gallons. write this as a unit rate.

caroline saves $45 in 4 months. at that rate, how long will it take her to save $180?

the senate passed a bill by a ratio of 8 to 1. if 90 senators voted in all how many voted for the bill?
i think it is 80

if you can help me please help me ASAP!!!!!!

1.C, 2/3

2.D, 12:27
3.B, $1.28/ 1 gallon
4.B, 16 months
5.A, 80
Connections Academy
Algebra Ratios and Rates Quick Check 8th grade
100% :)

Horses to cows


Girls to students

4: 9

1.28 per gallon

i need to go to bed and i need this and another quiz that i need to get an A on it please help me ASAP!!!!!!!! :*(

a class has 27 students. fifteen are boys and the rest are girls. what is the ratio of girls to total students?

See your horses/cows question.

Thanks DrBob222 for that!!! :)

the cost of your favorite lemonade is $3.84 for 3 gallons. write this as a unit rate.

$3.84/3 = ?/1 gallon

umm why did bajan say that????

but thanks drb for the help.

thank you sooo much Kuai. :)

now all i need is

caroline saves $45 in 4 months. at that rate, how long will it take her to save $180?

the senate passed a bill by a ratio of 8 to 1. if 90 senators voted in all how many voted for the bill?
i think it is 80

caroline saves $45 in 4 months. at that rate, how long will it take her to save $180?

$45/4 months = ? in 1 month.
Then ?/mo x #mo = 180.
Solve for #months. Estimate 16 months.

thanks dude!!! is 80 the correct answer for that last one?

hello there is 100% right frfr no kizzy

macs farm has a total of 18 horses and 27 cows. what is the ratio of horses to cow in simplest form?

18/27 and reduce to the lowest terms.

the senate passed a bill by a ratio of 8 to 1. if 90 senators voted in all how many voted for the bill?

i think it is 80

I think you're right.

80 is right