Hat es ______ (you all) gut gefallen?

would this be ihnen? or uns? thank you.

Ihnen or euch

(recall that Sie and Ihnen are both capitalized when used as 2nd person)

awesome, thank you steve! super helpful :)

euch was actually another option i was torn between

To determine the correct pronoun in the blank space, "Hat es ______ gut gefallen?", we need to consider the subject of the sentence.

If you are referring to a group of people you are not a part of, the correct pronoun would be "Ihnen." The pronoun "Ihnen" is the formal second-person plural pronoun in German, used to address a group of people respectfully.

On the other hand, if you are referring to yourself and a group of people you are part of, the correct pronoun would be "uns." The pronoun "uns" is the first-person plural pronoun in German, used to include yourself and others in the same group.

Here is an example for both cases:

- "Hat es Ihnen gut gefallen?" (Did you all like it? - formal)
- "Hat es uns gut gefallen?" (Did we like it? - with yourself included)