in a relationship between variable called that changes in response to another variable?

input function
independent variable
dependent variable (my choice)

1. c

2. d

3. b



dependent variable

LALY is right I got 100

In a relationship between variables, the dependent variable is the variable that changes in response to another variable. The dependent variable is usually the one being studied or measured in an experiment or research study.

To determine the dependent variable in a given relationship or scenario, follow these steps:

1. Identify the context: Understand the scenario or situation you are analyzing. This could be a scientific experiment, a mathematical equation, or a real-life situation.

2. Determine the variables involved: Identify the variables present in the context. Variables represent quantities or characteristics that can change or be measured.

3. Identify cause and effect: Determine which variable is causing change or influencing the other variable. The variable that influences or causes change is the independent variable, while the variable that changes in response to the independent variable is the dependent variable.

4. Define the dependent variable: Once you have identified the cause and effect relationship, the variable that responds to or depends on the changes in the independent variable is the dependent variable. It is typically represented on the vertical or y-axis in graphs or equations.

For example, let's consider an experiment investigating the effect of fertilizer on plant growth. The independent variable in this case would be the amount of fertilizer applied, as it is intentionally altered by the researcher. The dependent variable would be the height or growth of the plants, as it is expected to change in response to the varying amount of fertilizer.

By understanding the cause and effect relationship between variables and considering the specific context, you can determine the dependent variable in a given relationship.