describe a modern-day invention that has replaced and/or advanced the 1800s invention and explain how it is more productive in today's society.

1. Cable cars
2. Telegraph
3. Telephone
4. Typewriter
5. Phonograph
6. Motion picture and projector
7. Lightbulb
8. Automobile
9. airplane
10. horse-drawn vehicles
11. subway

I'll be glad to comment on your answers.

1. Cable cars - telegram

2. Telegraph - telegram
3. Telephone -cellphone
4. Typewriter -printer
5. Phonograph - CD player
6. Motion picture and projector-camera
7. Lightbulb- electricity how everyone uses light
8. Automobile-cars now its faster to travel from place to place
9. airplane- same as automobile and greater altitude
10. subway- better subways which also travel faster

I agree with your answers for 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10

Look up cable car and telegraph. You obviously don't know what they are.

lightbulb- how its easier to use it its everywhere.

1. Cable cars - Powell line cars

2. Telegraph - internet

4. Typewriter - keyboards

light bulb -- fluorescent bulbs

cable cars -- buses

6. Motion picture and projector-cinema, movie

You're right about 4 -- but I think it would be more accurate to say computer word processing programs and printers.

I bought my first computer about 1980 because I was typing my companion's book manuscripts and a word processing program was much more efficient than a typewriter.

oh ok thank you what about the other ones are they correct?

What do we use now instead of a motion picture and projector? U-tube?

i thought you said 4 was wrong because i put printer

what about telegraph?

A typewriter was replaced by a computer, word processing program and a printer.

What would you do today if you wanted to send a message to a distant part of the country and have the recipient receive it right away?

call them? email? mail?

Probably call them -- but email might also work.

When my great grandmother died 2,000 miles away in 1952, we were notified by telegram. Long distance phone calls were too expensive even for middle class families.

ohhhh. so that's my answer

so basically a phone

Yes. A text message would also work.

ok thank you soo much

You're very welcome.

Nobody uses fax machines ? :)