Given 1 mile=1760 yards convert 6,688 yards to miles. Now convert it to feet

I know I've asked this already but I couldn't find the post to check.
3.7 miles and 20064 feet


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Okay. You told me that the 3.8 miles was correct. Is my feet correct?


To convert yards to miles, you can use the conversion factor that 1 mile is equal to 1760 yards.

To convert 6,688 yards to miles, you can divide the number of yards by the conversion factor:

6,688 yards / 1760 yards per mile = 3.8 miles

So, 6,688 yards is equal to 3.8 miles.

To convert miles to feet, you can use the fact that 1 mile is equal to 5,280 feet.

To convert 3.8 miles to feet, you can multiply the number of miles by the conversion factor:

3.8 miles * 5,280 feet per mile = 20,064 feet

So, 3.8 miles is equal to 20,064 feet.